HEWI™ For Corporate

  • Virtual Health Physician Service to reduce clinical visits and insurance claims by the
  • Insightful and informative dashboards on disease and risk demographics to plan the wellness
    initiatives for the employees.
  • Collaborate with your Insurer to get claims data and correlate to study the impact of your
    wellness intiatives
  • Emergency Ready work place - CPR Kits, CPR Training and Emergency Dashboard

Get On-Board

Hyjiya journey for the corporate starts with a simple registration. Once you select your Hyjiya HEWI™ plan, all that is needed is to get all your employees on-boarded by following the process below.

Register your organisation with Hyjiya

Download the excel sheet format from your Hyjiya HEWI™ dashboard

Fill the excel sheet with available employee data

Upload the excel sheet with employee data on to Hyjiya HEWI™

Hyjiya will create Hyjiya HEWI™ Account for all employees & send out invite emails for them to Login.

Corporate Dashboard

After the registration your personalised dashboard welcomes you. Your Corporate dashboard helps you to:

  • Manage HEWI™ Subscription
  • Manage User Data
  • View Corporate Health Score & Overall Ranking
  • Engage and Reward Employees

Manage Corporate Health, Emergency, Wellness & Insurance

Make Your Office HEWI™ Enabled

Be Emergency ready with Hyjiya ER reader kiosks

Get CPR Training, CPR Kits and ER code for all your employees

Bring healthcare in your office with Virtual Doctors and Onsite Clinics

Announce top employees and rewards using Hyjiya Display signage


Take the first step towards a well rounded health and wellness platform for you and your
family. Register with Hyjiya and enter the era of Digital Health and Wellness.